December 7, 2010

Digital Model Drawing Sessions

Hi everyone! It's been quite a while, but I've updated so many different pages now that it's hard to keep track of what's where. These last few weeks were quite hectic, but I still managed to find some peace with the weekly model drawing sessions. I have brought my laptop and Wacom along for a couple of sessions, and I have definately fallen in love with the wonderful ease at which I can pick my colors. I needed to step away from my safe-zone concerning accuracy in form and lines, and start with the realism in terms of colours and lighting.
I must say I am wonderfully pleased with the result, even though I feel I can do better with more practice. It is difficult, though, the maximum pose duration is 15 mins - it really speeds up your workflow!

The above three images were from one of the first sessions I did; and where I was immensely pleased with the colour palette. The sketches were made from three three-minute poses.

These last two images were from today's session with model Maria - who actually has pink hair:)
Hope you like them!