October 31, 2011

Welcome Company - Final

Aaaand here it is! My current final version; I stil feel there's something lacking in the atmosphere, so maaaaybe a V2.0, but as for now: enjoy!

The pinup file; as you can see, I've been quite messy in the colouring and details, but seeing that it's a very small pic, I felt I could get away with that;) Face is referenced by different parts of Elvgren's faces, except the eyes - and the pose is referenced from his original material.

October 28, 2011

Welcome Company - Paint Process I

Whoa, I'm on a roll here! Detail from the first painting startup process!

Welcome Company - final sketch

I continued sketching on the Welcome Company piece, and ended up picking my colours. The dude has crashed with his fighter jet/cargo jet (not sure which yet), and is facing a hopeless situation in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. Luckily he's got the plane's mascot pinup to keep him company... along with a cig;)

I chose the less saturated sketch and added nightly features. Now that I've got my heading, it's time for colouring - and that'll hopefully be my next post!

October 27, 2011

Welcome Company - WIP sketch

I recently hooked my Cintiq back up, and I immediately got addicted to the wonderful amount of detail I can put in my sketches - I keep forgetting that! Anyways, here is a sketch I got carried away with, I hope to flesh out the scene sooner!

October 25, 2011

Model Drawing Sessions Art Dump II

Oh, I got even more! Haha, I even surprise myself with the immense amount of sketches... Again, done in either 3 or 15 mins:)

Model Drawing Sessions Art Dump

I decided to upload about two months worth of Model Drawing sketches; all done on laptop in either 3 or 15 minutes. Except the final portrait, which is done in about 45 mins. Hope you enjoy!