February 26, 2010

EMMA - Field Research 17 (Proposal 1.0)

Annnnd here goes! After almost four weeks of research, I've finally found my proposal version 1.0!
All my examples and animations that I've researched (and want to make myself) were so-called intro or cutscenes. Games use a lot of animated (as well 2D as 3D) cutscenes, and I now start to wonder:

"What is the added value of animated (2D) cutscenes in games?"

Also, to expand the possibilities and difficulty of this task; I would love to investigate the following: games are leaning more and more towards realism.

"How can one make the 2D animation fit with the realism of the game without causing to break the style of the game?"

So there it is!
The only problem I'm currently facing, is the fact that I don't have a 'game' to make an intro for. I have been asking around for some projects, and there is some interesting stuff there - although I am not sure if students are able to create the high standard of realism that I've been aiming for in my research.
I'm not sure if it's okay if I create my own (fictional) game, but then there will always be an 'assumption' instead of proven fact that the style will fit according to my research.

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