February 2, 2010

EMMA Graduation Project - Field Research

For our upcoming final Graduation Project, we need to do various kinds of research to establish a final research question. With this question, we write the so-called Supportive Narrative, which will litterally 'support' your final project.

It was advised to keep track of your findings through a blog, and that is what I am going to do from now on. This Works of Heart Blog will be the stage where I will record my research and findings. I will try to work from both an objective academic standpoint and a personal view, hoping to combine both elements in a final statement.

So, let's get on with it.

For the first couple of weeks (4) we have to present a proposal in which we state our field of research. In my case, this means a broad view to establish my final research question. This broad view needs to extend your current field of vision, and lets you discover the world around you. A personal connection to the subject is always favorited, so therefore my personal opinion and interests will be present in almost every subject. I hope I will be able to express my thoughts on certain matters, and let them guide me to really express my Heart in my Work.

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